Declaration of Peace

During the past week I was fortunate to land a job shooting and editing some short (2-4 minute) documentary videos for the Declaration of Peace, a coalition of various organizations who planned a week of events to vocally oppose the US military campaign in Iraq. Here are four of the videos I made from the week; (please pardon the grainy/dull results of compressing the videos into a size that would be small enough to upload onto YouTube's servers):

Philadelphia, September 25th:

Press Conference at the White House (Kelly Dougherty), September 21st:

The Capitol, September 26th:

Interfaith Rally at the Capitol, September 26th:

If you're interested, you can find more videos on the YouTube channel we created. Oh and here's some press coverage from the Washington Post.


random said...

Well done

20 somethings-or the gen Y, is going down hill. What generation was not thought to be going down though.

I think everyone needs to chill out on Gen Y for a while. Just wait to see what it does when it is 30. It will have experienced more change and seen more of the world and what good and waht bad it has to offer than the previous generation which is also called LAZY and unguided.

I could be all wrong about this.

The other thing that led to the fall of the romans was their loss of interest in themselves and their increased interest in taking more of the world and making it like themselves.

M. Weed said...

This stuff is really sweet. I'm envious.